Varicose veins on the eyelids can be especially irritating for patients because the eyes are central to the face and are the center of everyday communication. Sun exposure can lead to red veins on the eyelids, which are among the most exposed areas of the face. VeinsMany causes can lead to the formation of red veins on the eyelids, including old age, heredity, severe eye strain, insomnia, excessive exposure to the sun or tanning beds, and an unhealthy lifestyle in general. Red veins on the eyelids can be caused by a variety of factors, but only a few treatments have been proven to be effective. There are several home remedies you can try to reduce the appearance of dark eyelids or address underlying causes such as inflammation. OTCOver-the-counter (OTC) remedies Home remedies can reduce the appearance of dark eyelids and prevent them from getting worse, but they usually don't cure the condition completely. While dark eyelids themselves are not a medical problem, they can be a symptom of an underlying cause, such as a skin condition. People with dermal melanocytosis may have melanocytes in the dermis of the skin, which can cause darkening of the eyelids. Another common cause of dark eyelids is thinning of the skin and the presence of blood vessels around the eyelids.

InflammationInflammation can cause the skin to swell and increase the chance of dark eyelids.

Chronic eczema and allergic inflammation of the eyes can cause hyperpigmentation and darkening of the eyelids. Purple eyelids and purple dark circles are not mutually exclusive. Eye TraumaEye trauma and congenital diseases can cause the eyelids to turn blue.