We cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item. If you are shipping an item valued at over $50, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance with your chosen carrier. The item(s) arrived late due to carrier errors or the appropriate shipping method was not selected during the checkout process.The item was misused relative to the manufacturer's directions.The wrong size, color or variation of the product was ordered.You've changed your mind and no longer want the item(s).If an item is returned for the following reason(s), you will be responsible for all return shipping costs: 82.2K subscribers 2.2K views 1 year ago Justin Labato and Billy Baugus, of American Detailer Garage, give you the details and explain the uses of the incredibly versatile Wipeout. The item is demonstrably defective or not performing as intended by the manufacturer.The incorrect quantity of an item was sent.

The wrong item or variant (color/size) of an item was sent.

Examples of returns authorized due to our error are: If we make an error that requires a return, a paid shipping return label will be sent to the email address provided during checkout after the return has been approved by our staff.